Client: SAUDI ARABIA- Chemical plant,Refinery
-Elliott 38MB-6, Gear Box Lufkin and Motor NIDEC. New installation, Commission and start up
-Elliott Comp-New installation comp 25MB6 & Gear Box Lufkin NF2419D start up
-Mitsubishi_MHI 4H-5, Compressor Major Overhaul & start up Yanpet,
-Elliott_Comp 46MB4/21 installation
-MHI 4H-5, Compressor Overhaul & start up
-MHI Turbine_8EL-9 Major overhaul Al Bayroni, KSA Saudi
Elliott 38MB-4, Compressor Minor overhaul & Gear box RENK TX40 Minor overhaul and
Start-Up, GASCO-Ruwais, Abu Dhabi, MHI COMP 11H-7S,DGS Exchange and
troubleshooting Takreer, thru Samsung engineering CBDC-Abu Dhabi, Elliott Turbine. 2 Unit
DYRHPE III-Troubleshooting start-up ADNOC Refinery (UAE)
Client: QATAR-Chemical Plant & refinery
-QAFAC-Elliott_DYPHPE III- Overhaul & Modification
-Elliott 38MB-6, Gear Box Lufkin-Overhaul
-Dresser Rand Comp- CBF 624RE & Turbine GAF 6C Minor overhaul
-Elliott Turbine_2 SNV 6 Major Overhaul IOCL-Indian Oil Company Limited, Panipat India
-Elliott Comp_25MB-10 Compressor and Gear box overhaul
-Elliott, 25M7 Comp - DGS Exchange
Client: SAUDI ARABIA- Chemical plant,refinery
250TC Elliott blower minor overhaul
Client: Saudi Chevron Philips
-SCHEM -KSA (Saudi), 3BCL608 GE Compressor minor overhaul & SAC1-
-10 GE Steam turbine overhaul
-Tasnee-KSA (Saudi), 29M61 Elliott compressor major overhaul & start-up
-Petrorabigh-KSA (Saudi), MHI-9 EL 10 Steam turbine major overhaul
-Troubleshooting dry gas seal skid Exchange DGS – Compressor 46M-4 /46MD3-3 , Thru-
-Petrofac KSA(Saudi), 3 Elliott Steam Turbine DYRPGD III, 3 Lufkin Gear Box and 3 DMW
-Centrifugal Pump. Installation and Final Alignment.
-SRV_5, Elliott Steam Turbines Overhauling.
-25MB-6, Elliott Compressors, Lube oil skid/console unit troubleshooting
-38M9-7, Elliott Compressors, Final Alignment and troubleshooting
Client: Petronas Gas Plant 5&6 (Malaysia)
-6 unit GE LM 2500MW, To supervise for exchange engine and borescope inspection
-6 unit-Dresser rand compressor minor overhaul
-3 unit- Reciprocating compressor (overhaul)
Client: Petronas Refinery Melaka (PPM)- Malaysia
-Co-gen Unit. To supervise CI and HGPI/LTPI,MI
-5 Unit_GE Gas turbine frame 5, MS 5001 PA,CI-Combustion inspection, HGPI-hot gas part inspection, MI- Major overhaul/Inspection
Client: Petronas Malaysia LNG Plant Train/Module 4,5,6,7 & 8 and Co-Gen Unit
To supervise for CI, HGPI and MI, Overhaul
-10 Unit_GE Gas turbine frame 5, MS 5001 PA
-4 Unit_GE Gas turbine frame 6, MS6001 B
-4 Unit_GE Gas turbine frame 7, MS7001EA
-2 Unit_GE-AN200- Axial compressor
-2 Unit_3MCL compressor,2 Unit_2BCL compressor
-Auxiliary system, CI-Combustion inspection, HGPI-hot gas part inspection, MI-Major overhaul/Inspection
Client: Murphy oil. Corp- Sarawak ( Borneo )
-3 Unit_GE-Heavy duty gas turbine installation MS5002D
-3 Unit_Centrifugal Compressor Installation 2BCL NuovoPigone Frame 5 Gas Turbine from MS5002C.
-Overhaul of boiler / steam turbine generator (50MW),Draft and Air Fan / Cooler and Feed Water Pumps.
-MLNG Module 6 Major Overhaul of Gas Turbines (GE MS6001 & MS7001), Casing Change-out of Frame 7, Rotor Replacement of
-Propane Compressor and Major Overhaul of Axial
-Minor overhaul of 3 units Mitsubishi Steam Turbine during MLNG Module 2
-Minor overhaul of 3 units Mitsubishi Steam Turbine. Major overhaul of Dresser-Rand
-Compressor (1 unit) and major overhaul of Dresser-Rand 1 KM 1301 Reciprocating Compressor.